Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Services

I went to a service at a Penticostal Church in the nearby village of Sulur on Sunday.  It was fun to get out of the compound and experience something new.  Although the service was in Tamil and I did not understand a word of it, I soon became very aware that my spirit could understand and that I was being fed as I sat in the prayer and worship.  It reminded me of the many churches I was in both in Guatemala and Brazil where I had experienced the same kind of awareness of Holy Spirit's loving presence. 

I think this happens in all of our lives more often then we take time to realise.  I find that my desire to be in control of things is constantly leading me,and I am always thinking of what I should do or how I should be in any given situation.  When I don't know what to expect or what is being said I am forced to simply wait, and watch and that is quite refreshing. When I think about it I realise that the Lord speaks to us from a place where we have no understanding. I really don't know who God is (my understanding is just too limited) and I never allow myself to really believe for the big picture of all that He desires to show me, I feel a bit like a hockey player constantly vieing for control of the puck which is moving just too fast for me to see.  I think our heavenly Father must sometimes tire of us the same way we would a toddler who is constantly running in the wrong direction. 

It boils down to trust, can we follow without understanding, trusting that our dad will look after us and so we don't have to worry about all the whys and hows? This has been the challenge that I have been asked to face here.  In Chambers devotional My Utmost For His Highest, (which I both love to read and reject on various days) he mentions on several occasions that the Lord in His mercy does not always show us how He is using us, and that we should simply walk in obedience and not be concerned about it.  Now that is a challenge.  

1 comment:

Donna said...

I guess we keep learning to surrender our control eh Barb? Experiencing much the same thing here at the moment.

Enjoying following your blog and catching you on skype!!

Hugs to you!