Monday, June 8, 2009


As I think back to Scott's talk about poverty and the definition of homelessness as "being without relationships" I consider myself to be extremely fortunate indeed. I have had many   wonderful opportunities to travel and have been  very blessed by many friends and acquaintances not only here but all over the world.

I have had the opportunity to spend time with many of these friends over the past couple of weeks, sometimes people just drop in at my office to say hi and wish me well. Some have met for coffee or a meal.  I have had phone calls and emails from people across Canada and  in the U.S. One lady that I did my first trip with and a phone call from a lady who was a mentor to me in Child Care.  I can only say over and over; thank you Jesus!  I have been very blessed by all the people Jesus has put in my life, I may not have many possessions left but I am very rich indeed. 

The very first trip I went on I remember praying beforehand  and asking Jesus what I should take for the girls in India. He gave me a picture of a treasure chest and as I looked at it I saw many faces of dear friends float by.  They all went into the trunk, along with people's stories and hugs. And the Lord impressed upon me that all the love and care people had showered over me in the past little while would all be in the trunk for me to pull out and share with the girls.   

Now he is reminding me that I take that same kind of love with me once more.  Not only will this love sustain me when I am with the girls but it is out of the overflow of all that I have received from Jesus, both as I spend time with Him and through all the people He has sent my way that I will be able to to reach out to others.  I want to share an email that I received today from one of the Ministries that I receive once a week. Love truly is more powerful then death when we can see the glory of God in the midst of it.  I have to learn how to upload or link up with these sites but this is the name and address of the site the email come form. Hopefully you can get to their site from this info.  What a great testimony to Jesus and the love He brings that just breaks through everything. 

  Journey Through the Gospel of John
June 8,  2009
if this does not work just go the the Gospel of John website or google Bruce Marchiano.  This is his devotional. 


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