Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reality is beginning to set in.

Okay so now I am here, all the excitement of the conference has died away and it's time to do the ordinary life day to day. We all know that we live most of our lives in the valley and it is here that we learn the most as well. There are very few instant easy answers in life and it is no different for me here. I have a small room, granted I do have air conditioning although I keep it very low since I have to live in the heat during the day. I have a metal bed with a thin mattress, foam I think. I have a clothes line strung across my room and I wash my clothes in a bucket. I do have a room which always has water which was not true during the conference when I very seldom had water. The girls do not get water all the time just for short periods each day. With nearly 500 girls water is a pricey commodity. I am living in the same building with the girls and because I can only get the Internet when my door is open they all come by to try to worm their way in. They are beginning to realise that I am not about to let them in so they usually just come and say hi and go on. It is noisy here at night although the girls are supposed to be in bed at 9. They have to be up at 4:30 am and to make sure there is a siren which goes off here every morning and then the bells start ringing at 5 am. Chapel is at 5:30 to 6:30 then exercise in the outdoor stadium until 7, breakfast at 8 am and school parade starts at 9 am. I am teaching a class of 62 Kindergarten children who are from 5 to 8 years of age. I do not have a dedicated helper although others have had pity on me for short periods of time.

This is going to keep me on my knees, as I am convinced that Jesus has the answers to it all. He is not forthcoming yet however.

We not called to be successful, only faithful. I am determined to just keep showing up and to keep praying and waiting to learn how to go low. That's how Dr. Job introduced me to the girls, he said I went low so that the girls could learn to go high. There has to be something I can learn to do to reach these girls!!! I am determined to find out. I know that prayer and perseverance is the answer. So as I persevere you can keep praying!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara! I'll definitely be praying for you. God has amazing things in store for you and the girls over the next year. It was a joy to meet you...


Anonymous said...

Hi Barb!
Thanks for the update. I think your attitude is great. You will find a rhythm. Praying for you.
Megen Brunskill