Monday, July 13, 2009

Living Newsletter Vol. 1

Living The Gospel In India


Wed, June 24, 2009 
Arrived at the Michael Centre at 11:30 a.m. after traveling for 34.5 hours plus changing time ahead 9.5 hrs.
Thurs June 25th to Sunday June 28th
March for The Girl Child - We marched in Coimbatore in a declaration for the girl child. protesting abortion and infanticide and also declaring the rights of girls in society.
Conference for the Persecuted Church - We heard testimonies of many who were in danger or persecuted for their faith
Thursday June 30, 2009  
started to teach in the UKG (Upper Kindergarten) class. I started with 61 students and at this time I have 66. 
Sunday July 12, 2009
Started to teach a modified Kingdom Course for the college and senior high school students who will hopefully step into teaching Sunday School to all the other younger girls with some adult support.

Teaching The Servant

While it is wonderful to have stories it is not always so easy to live the stories so that they will be a testimony to Jesus that will be worth telling. It does not matter where I am I always seem to be pushed down by the hard stuff in my life. I was getting used to the idea of having to come to grips with a class of 64 children. I really did not want to do this at all in my flesh, even though I think I knew all along that there would be young children in what the Lord was calling me to.  ( I really want to work with the older girls) 

Then  there was another demand out f the blue.  There was a knock on my door at about 8:00 p.m. Could I go to the dinning hall and supervise all the girls who were studying until 9:00?  Everything in me rises up; no, my flesh screams, I have done my time for the day, I am on my time now! I mumble something about being really tired and just about to go to bed, true but not right. I escape the duty for this night.
But then I struggle, it was only an hour - but then what? How much more can I go?
Now I must work my way through the testing and determine what is right here. I need to sit down and talk with the people here re what the routines are, and how I can best use my time.  But more important then that and this is the real issue, I need to go to Jesus for an attitude adjustment, my heart is not engaged in the lives of these girls enough, I am still trying to hold on to what I left behind. I am still keeping myself separate from this life, if Jesus called my here, then I need to listen to how He wants me to engage here.

Redeeming The Servant

July 8, 2009 - Today was such a good day.  I have been petitioning for help in the classroom with whoever would listen to me for days now. People are appointed then they leave part way through the day.  Today I was determine that I would not lose ground hard fought for in the morning, by having no one to help in the afternoon. I had three helpers in the morning and I was actually able to teach the children and they experienced that learning can be fun. At the end of the morning, because they were listening and doing their work we were able to sing some songs together and they really had fun with that.  They love rhymes and songs! I went to the Principal's office at lunchtime and thanked her for the help, I let her know how well the morning went and told her that I needed help on the afternoon also.  We had a great day, the children had fun and they are getting used to me. No little thanks to Jesus, as I have been praying diligently for His help and today He answered my prayers.  These children really want to learn but it is just as frustrating for them to have so many in the class as it is for me. I feel energized today instead of bone tired. All things are possible through Christ Jesus!

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