Monday, December 6, 2010

Going Back to India

I am getting ready to go! Just five months from now I will be back with the girls! Though it has been a year since I left it does not feel like it. I have had some wonderful times here, my daughter's wedding and getting to know my adopted family, volunteering at the church and getting to know some new friends there. So many wonderful memories in the making. God has been moulding me through this process too. The thing that always astounds me is that He is able to do such deep surgery in such a gentle way and with so much grace! And despite all my foolishness I fell like He is showing me that I am right where I am supposed to be. What God calls us to He equips us for. Best of all I have been gathering information and resources and ideas that will be so great when I go back. I feel much more prepared this time. This is not to say that there is no struggle, leaving family and friends will not be easy, and it will be longer before I get back this time. I need to develop relationships with the girls that can lead to more open communication, discipleship and prayer ministry. I will also be exploring ways to help the girls develop skill in expression of the gospel and their life stories through media. They love to dance and sing and make videos and I believe this is a way the powerful things Jesus has been doing in their lives can shine through and cross cultural barriers. I can only the imagine the stories they will tell and the creative expression that will be forthcoming. What if all 500 girls leave the orphanage and plant churches or work in the streets or change workplaces or get into the government; just think of the ripples in the pond. These things are not in place yet but I go in faith knowing that with God all things are possible. These are His daughters!